Here are some PDFs that you can download that help explain why the Lisbon Treaty is a bad deal for Ireland and a bad deal for Europe.

A Better Deal – SF Submission to the Irish government

10 Reasons to Vote No to the Lisbon Treaty
10 Reasons to Vote No

Alternative Guide to the Lisbon Treaty
Alternative Guide to Lisbon


  1. Lots of us are counting on you in Poland – show those totalitarian pansies where’s their place, Irland!

  2. congratulations to Ireland,

    the last fortress of democracy in EU,
    all our hope in Germany were on Your side and You really don’t disappoint us…thousands of thanks

    Politicians have forbidden Germans to vote in this case, an example of Non-Democracy-EU.

    I’m for a strong and effective Europe since the sixties, but I’m against a bureaucracy like cancer in Brüssel; against a parliament without rights in Strassburg; a Commission, which destroys all social standards where the working people fought hundred of years for and against lobbyists in Brüssel, who writes the rules by their own.

    Bravo to Ireland

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